Welcome to Once in Tree Hill. We are a One Tree Hill/Once Upon a Time crossover site with a unique twist on both stories.
When Regina cast the spell to transport all of the fairy tale characters to the real world they were sent to Tree Hill, NC.
The current residents of Tree Hill's memories were altered so they wouldn't noticed the change and believed that everyone had always been part of the town.
After Emma arrived and broke the spell, however, and everyone ended up getting their memories back the residents became divided.
Some wanted to get rid of the impostors while others banded together to try and help them out.
Regina and Mr. Gold's longtime rivalry has taken it's toll on the town leading to Regina and Dan teaming up against Gold in order to try and banish him from the town.
With magic back, however, the power struggle has increased significantly.
In order to get back at Dan for teaming up with Regina, Mr. Gold has taken Nathan's heart in order to control him, leading him on a self destructive path.
It's up to Haley, who has returned from her tour after hearing about Nathan to try and band everyone together to try and help Mary Margaret and David take out Regina and Dan who have taken over the town and placed up barriers in order to keep everyone inside.
Mr. Gold's offer to teach her magic and free Nathan is tempting, but is it worth the price she'll have to pay?
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